- Moreno M-V., Ben Mansour Sid Ahmed, Feasability of a smart bra to screen breast cancer, Invited speaker, IDDST, Proceedings, p64, Japan, 2023.
- Moreno M-V.: Medical device for detecting a mammary tumor, Patent WO2020201546, 2020
- Moreno M-V, Herrera E. Evaluation on Phantoms of the Feasibility of a Smart Bra to Detect Breast Cancer in Young Adults, Sensors, 2019, 19(24), 5491.
- Moreno M-V.: Dispositif médical pour la détection d’une tumeur mammaire, Patent FR3094630A1, 2019.
- Hollebecque A, Cousin S, Ribbe E, Moreno M-V, Clarion A, Varga A, Soria J-C, Antoun S: Comparaison de deux méthodes d’évaluation de la composition corporelle (CC) chez des patients suivis pour cancer: impédancemétrie multi-fréquence (BIS) et analyse d’images scanographiques, Nutrition clinique et métabolisme 26, 2012, S54.
- Moreno M-V., Grounauer P-A., Medical Device for Eye Examination, Patent WO2021/245146A1, 2022.
- Grounauer PA, Moreno MV and Houriet C. Impedance Eye Recording IER: A New Glaucoma Diagnostic Tool?. J Ophthalmol & Vis Sci. 2021; 6(3): 1055
- Moreno M-V., Houriet C., Grounauer P-A., Ocular Phantom-Based Feasibility Study of an Early Diagnosis Device for Glaucoma. Sensors, 2021, 21 (2), 579.
- Moreno M-V., Grounauer P-A., Dispositif médical d’examen oculaire, Brevet FR2005831, 2020.
- Moreno M-V, Coux M-N, Clarion A, Grounauer P-A, Electrical evolution of aqueous humor with ageing, Book of abstracts, id112, p16 ICEBI 2016
Exploration Musculaire
- Peixoto M., Moreno M-V, Khider N. Conception of a Phantom in Agar-Agar Gel with the Same Bio-Impedance Properties as Human Quadriceps, Sensors 2021, 21(15)
- Pinsault N., Moreno M-V.: La bioimpédancemétrie : exemples d’applications (2ième Partie), Kinésithérapie Scientifique, n° 542, PP 47-49, 2013.
- Moreno M-V, Khider N, Ribbe E, Damez J-L: Differentiation of fast and slow muscle fibers by bioimpedance. J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 224, 01 2086, 2010.
- Dassonville Y, Barthod C, Passard M, Moreno M-V, A multi-electrode probe to detect anisotropy of muscles, Book of abstracts, id197, p87 ICEBI 2016
Urgences Réanimation
- Moreno M-V., Chauvet P., Ly O. : Unité mobile de télémédecine au service de l’urgence et du soin chronique, INTELLIGENT HEALTH & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, Tanger, Juin 2014
- Ribbe E., Mellet J., Moreno M-V. : La mesure de composition corporelle : quelles techniques et quelles applications dans le suivi des athlètes ?, Revue de l’association des entraîneurs français d’athlétisme, p. 32-35, n° 214, juin 2014.
- Clarion A., Ribbe E., Rebeyrol J., Rousseaux-Blanchi M-P., Dechavanne C., Moreno M-V., Bioimpedance body composition comparisons between athletes and healthy subjects, Journal of Physics, 434, 2013.
- Rebeyrol J, Moreno M-V, Ribbe E, Vannicatte A : Case study: using monitoring of body composition data obtained by bioimpedance, in training of an elite male runner. The engineering of sport, Volume 2, Issue 2, June 2010, Pages 3059-3064, 2010.
- Rebeyrol J, Moreno M-V, Ribbe E, Buttafoghi L, Pedron O, Dechavanne C : Bioimpedance data monitoring in physical preparation: a real interest for performance of elite skiers for Winter Olympic Games 2010. The engineering of sport, Volume 2, Issue 2, Pages 2881-2887, 2010.
- Moreno M-V., Moreno G., Hubert F.: Monitoring of bioimpedance data during exercise in cyclists, The engineering of sport, vol.2, p517, 2008.
- Mehalebi H., Moreno M-V., Jaffrin M.Y.: Monitoring of body fluid volumes, hydration rate and fat tissue mass in athletes during training. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin. 8, issue 4:193-194, 2005.
- Mehalebi H., Moreno M-V., Jaffrin M.Y. : Développement d’un impédancemètre pour le suivi des volumes hydriques, du taux d’hydratation et de la masse grasse pour les sportifs. 2ième Congrès du Réseau Français d’Ingénierie du Sport, Valenciennes, 2005
- Moreno M-V., Vannicatte A. Développement d’un impédancemètre professionnel polyvalent pour la routine sportive, 3ième Congrès du Réseau Français d’Ingénierie du Sport, Bidart, 2006
- Moreno M-V., Mehalebi H., Baquet G., Thevenet D., Gamelin F-X., Berthoin S., Jaffrin M.Y.: Development of a foot-to-foot impedancemeter for measuring body composition during exercise, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 39, p.S554, 2006
- Garnier R. : Votre santé les yeux fermés, Annexe (chap. Moreno M-V) p159-174, Ed. Albin Michel, 2018
- Moreno M-V., Chauvet P, Ly O: Comparison between Caucasian and west African Children for assessing earlier malnutrition, Gazz Med Ital-Arch SCI Med, 3406, 2017.
- Moreno M-V., Coux M-N, Ribbe E., Goyard E. : Nouvelle méthode de quantification du volume d’eau totale chez le sujet obèse, Nutrition clinique et métabolisme 30, n° 4, 2016
- Ribbe E., Vannicatte A., Moreno M-V. : Validation of a Hypgnomagnetiism method for thinning, Gazz Med Ital-Arch SCI Med 2015;174:1-2;3112-GMI
- Coux M-N., Ribbe E., Moreno M-V : Optimiser sa stratégie nutritionnelle grâce à la composition corporelle, Nutrition clinique et métabolisme 28 (2014), S90-91.
- Coux M-N., Ribbe E., Moreno M-V.: Optimiser sa stratégie nutritionnelle grâce à la composition corporelle, INTELLIGENT HEALTH & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, Tanger, Juin 2014
- Dassonville Y., Ribbe E, Moreno M-V, Clarion A., Malcor S : Body composition differences between healthy, obese and anorexic children, ICEBI, Procedia, p 207, 2013
- Moreno M-V, Togola T, Caliste J-P, Chauvet P, Dissa A, Ly O : Détection Précoce et Suivi de la Malnutrition Mère-Enfant(s) : un Dispositif de e-Santé Non Invasif Innovant, Conférence Femmes et Développement en Afrique, UNESCO, novembre 2012.
- Berend S, Saint-Palais A, Joly M-A, Rodrgues P, Delzescaux P, Ribbe E, Moreno M-V, Ritz P : l’angle de phase traduit l’intensité de la dénutrition, mais pas de la restriction calorique, Annales d’Endocrinologie 73, numéro 4 page 415, septembre 2012.
- Sanchez J, Monnami A, Ribbe E, Moreno M-V : Sculptez votre silhouette, Editions Thierry Souccar, Chap. 3, p 41-48, 2011.
- Moreno M-V, DJjeddi D, Jaffrin M-Y : Assessment of body composition in adolescent subjects with anorexia nervosa by bioimpedance. Med Eng Phys, Volume 30, Issue 6, Pages 783-791, 2008.
- Moreno M-V., Djeddi D., Fenech M., Kieffer R., Jaffrin M.Y.: Monitoring of nutritional status in anorexic children by bioimpedance. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry , p 56, 2004
- Moreno M-V., Djeddi D,. Kieffer R., Fenech M., Jaffrin M.Y : Evaluation of a foot-to-foot impedancemeter measuring extracellular fluid volume in addition to fat free mass for volunteers and anorexic children. 13ème Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie Biologique et Médical, Nancy, 2005
- Moreno M-V., Djeddi D., Jaffrin M.Y.: Evaluation of a foot-to-foot impedancemeter for monitoring of nutritional status in anorexic adolescents by bioimpedance. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin. 8, issue 4:199-200, 2005.
- Moreno M-V., Djeddi D., Jaffrin M.Y.: Body composition monitoring in anorexic young patients during refeeding by foot-to-foot impedancemeter, Cairo International Biomedical engineering conference, Egypt, 2006.
- Moreno M-V., Djeddi D., Jaffrin M.Y. : Evaluation d’une balance impédancemètre dans la surveillance du statut nutritionnel d’adolescentes anorexiques. Congrès de la Société Francophone de gastroentérologie, Maroc, 2006
- Moreno M-V., Djeddi D., Jaffrin M.Y : Parameters for monitoring refeeding of anorexia nervosa patients by bioimpedance, IFMBE Proceedings 17, pp. 640-643, 2007.
- Moreno M-V, Portail A, Coux M-N, Ribbe E: Description of physiological aging process and detection of malnutrition through the study of body composition determined by bioimpedance, Gazz Med Ital, Arch Sci Med- 3404, 2017.
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- Moreno, M.-V., Ribbe, E., Coux, M.-N., et al. Nouvel outil de détection de la dénutrition chez l’enfant. Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme, 2016, vol. 30, no 1, p. 58-59.
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- Moreno, M. V., Ribbe, E., Rebeyrol, J., et al. Evaluation of a new impedancemeter to independently access extracellular, intracellular and total body water volumes. Application to the measurement of hydration,. Medical & Biological Eng & Computing 2015, Volume 53, Issue 10, pp 989-999.
- Moreno, M. V., Ribbe, E., Vannicatte A. , Krief L.: Evaluation of a multifrequency impedancemeter by biphotonic Densitometry, measuring independent tissue indices, in supine and standing position. Comparison with skin folds, Gazzetta Medica Italiana Arch SCI Med 2015; 174:1-2;3029-GMI
- Ribbe E., Coux M-N., Moreno M-V.: Analyse segmentaire de la composition corporelle par bioimpédance, INTELLIGENT HEALTH & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, Tanger, Juin 2014
- Moreno M-V, Lehnert J., Premiski Y., Martin-Peulet G., Tortel A., Moreau G. : Evaluation of the moisturizing power of tap water, treated by different biophysics methods, ICEBI, Procedia, p 192, 2013
- Moreno M-V, Chasset L., Bittner PA., Barthod C., Passard M.: New reusable elastomer electrodes for assessing body composition, Journal of Physics, Conf. Ser., 434, 2013.
- Clarion A., Ribbe E., Moreno M-V. : Phase angle : is characteristic frequency close to 50 khz?, ICEBI, Procedia, p 170, 2013
- Jaffrin M-Y, Moreno M-V: Measurements of total body water with a foot-to-foot impedancemeter. Med E, Volume 30, Issue 4, Pages 483-489. 2008.
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- Jaffrin M-Y, Fenech M, Moreno M-V, Kieffer R: Total body water measurement by a modification of the bioimpedance spectroscopy method. Med. Bio. Eng. Comput., 44:873-882. 2006.
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- Jaffrin M.Y. Moreno M-V.: Measurements of total body water with a foot-to-foot impedancemeter, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 39, p.S653-S654, 2006.
- Jaffrin M-Y, Moreno M-V: Les pèse-personnes impédancemètres, ou comment connaître sa composition corporelle en se pesant. Annales de Kinésithérapie, 44. 45-46. 2005.
- Jaffrin M-Y, Kieffer R, MORENO M-V : Evaluation of a foot-to-foot impedancemeter measuring extracellular volume in addition to fat free mass and fat tissue mass. Nutrition, 21. 815-824. 2005.
- Kieffer R. Moreno M-V. Fenech M. Jaffrin M.Y.: Validation of body composition measured by a scale-impedancemeter: TEFAL Body Master Vision. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry , p 42, 2004